Kamis, 10 November 2011

GOD cursed

     Hospitality is a very great worship,
easy and a blessing.
The Muslims should not be neglected and forgotten.
So we need to spend
time to perform good deeds. So many and
ease of transportation
and communication, should pep up the 45
Muslims to stay in touch.
Rasulullah SAW upholds the friendship.
He asserts that
whoever connects friendship then GOD will vacate 

sustenance and
will give long life to him.
Friendship including noble spirit.
It is advisable and in the fun by Muslims. Warned people not to decide.
Even in a hadith Muhammad
said, "if in this assembly there are people who decide friendship,
please do not stand
sit with us ".
Therefore, people who always connect friendship,
will bring
blessing from GOD and his fortune increased. Vice versa,
people will be reluctant bersilaturahim adzhab by GOD with
diperslit fortune.
Hopefully this could be the motivation of your life going forward.

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