Kamis, 24 November 2011

Membuat UANG dengan GOOGLE ADSense

Banyak profesional pemasaran menggunakan GOOGLE untuk menempatkan iklan yang ditargetkan di depan calon pelanggan. Hal ini semakin efektif karena sifat sangat ditargetkan Google AdWords. Google AdSense, sisi lain dari persamaan iklan online, memungkinkan pemilik website untuk membuat uang dengan menyediakan iklan bertarget kontekstual untuk lalu lintas situs Web mereka.

Memberikan iklan yang ditargetkan ke pengunjung online Anda menciptakan pengalaman pengguna yang lebih baik dan mengkomunikasikan pengetahuan Anda tentang pemirsa yang Anda layani. Google AdSense secara otomatis memberikan iklan teks dan gambar yang tepat ditargetkan ke situs Anda dan konten situs Anda melalui sistem periklanan Google AdSense.

Jika Anda terlibat dengan program afiliasi seperti persimpangan komisi, Anda tahu bahwa mendaftar dengan, dan memelihara hubungan dengan pengiklan adalah pekerjaan penuh-waktu. Dengan Google AdSense, Google mengelola hubungan dengan pengiklan untuk Anda, membuat proses yang sederhana dan mudah untuk mengelola. Setelah Anda menempatkan kode yang sesuai pada website Anda, program AdSense memerlukan pada dasarnya tidak ada pemeliharaan.


Ketika Anda menampilkan iklan Google di situs Anda, Anda menciptakan potensi untuk menghasilkan pendapatan. Google tempat yang relevan biaya per-klik dan biaya per seribu tayangan iklan ke dalam lelang real-time dan memungkinkan beberapa pengiklan bersaing satu sama lain untuk menampilkan iklan mereka. Lelang berlangsung cepat dan ketika itu lebih dari AdSense secara otomatis menampilkan iklan teks atau gambar yang akan menghasilkan pendapatan maksimum untuk suatu halaman tertentu, menghasilkan pendapatan maksimum untuk pemilik situs web.

Iklan Apakah Diperbarui Ketika Perubahan Konten Anda

Google AdSense teknologi menganalisis konten halaman web Anda dan memberikan iklan yang relevan secara otomatis, tidak peduli berapa banyak halaman konten situs Anda mungkin memiliki. Seperti perubahan konten Anda, iklan Google perubahan untuk mencocokkan.

Iklan Google Bisa Disesuaikan di Tampilan dan Nuansa

AdSense memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan tampilan iklan Anda untuk sepenuhnya cocok dengan tampilan dan nuansa situs Anda. Pada penulisan artikel ini, Google AdSense memberikan lebih dari 200 warna dan 24 palet warna pre-set untuk memilih dari. Selain itu, Anda dapat membuat dan menyimpan palet kustom Anda sendiri menggunakan titik-dan-klik warna alat seleksi yang relatif mudah digunakan. Hal ini memastikan pengalaman pengguna yang konsisten bagi mereka browsing situs web Anda.

Melacak online Penghasilan Anda

Kunci untuk membuat uang dengan Google AdSense adalah untuk memantau kinerja iklan Anda dengan laporan online disesuaikan. Laporan ini tersedia secara online dan memberikan rincian mengenai jumlah tayangan halaman dikirimkan, klik, dan klik-tayang. Anda juga dapat melacak performa iklan tertentu format, warna dan halaman, memungkinkan Anda untuk melihat tren dengan cepat dan mudah. Alat pelaporan memungkinkan Anda mengelompokkan halaman web Anda namun Anda inginkan, sehingga Anda dapat memperoleh wawasan tentang penghasilan Anda dengan melihat hasil dengan URL, domain, jenis iklan, dan kategori. Ketika Anda melihat tren pendapatan, mengembangkan lebih banyak konten untuk situs Anda di daerah yang menghasilkan pendapatan Google AdSense tertinggi.

Jika Anda tertarik untuk memulai sebagai Google AdSense penerbit, hanya pergi ke web browser Anda dan ketik di Google AdSense. Anda akan menemukan informasi tentang program dan link ke formulir pendaftaran program. Mendaftar cukup mudah. Hanya membutuhkan beberapa menit untuk mendaftar online untuk baik konten dan iklan pencarian. Setelah Anda disetujui, Anda hanya perlu log in untuk menyalin account Anda dan paste kode HTML blok t ke server iklan yang ada Anda atau langsung ke setiap halaman web Anda. Iklan yang relevan mulai muncul pada halaman web Anda segera, dan Anda mulai membuat uang dari kesan pertama atau klik.

Pastikan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas program Anda minimal sekali per minggu. Melakukan sehingga memungkinkan Anda untuk menentukan jenis konten yang mendorong persentase terbesar dari pendapatan iklan online Anda. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, ketika mengembangkan konten baru untuk situs Anda, pastikan untuk fokus pada bidang yang mendorong pendapatan iklan terbesar seperti ditunjukkan oleh online Anda laporan Google AdSense.

Jumat, 18 November 2011


During pregnancy you should always be healthy and must not fall sick, will affect the baby because you're siblings. Prevention of pregnancy no matter how small it is necessary, rather than having to treat, because maintaining the security and safety bayi.cara best to maintain your health
during pregnancy by:

- Avoid people who are sick,

- Stay away from people who are coughing / sneezing.

- Do not be shared with the sick

- Avoid shaking hands with people who are sick.

- Improve endurance by doing a good diet,

- Adequate rest,

- Do not work hard, not too tired.

- Maybe in your family when someone was sick you may not be able to avoid it. But you can avoid eating / drinking their former, do not wash their clothes, make sure they wash their hands frequently with antibacterial soap

- Use disinfectant on the phone and all the tools that are used together.

- Drink plenty, and as often as possible.

- Keep your diet as much as possible



Actual risks in the labor / delivery process was very big, the stakes are the lives of children / mothers can even both. It is therefore highly recommended to do with good prenatal care and correct.Always active in conducting checks every month to the doctor or midwife. 
Doing a good diet. because we do a good diet in order to seek the time of delivery can be smoothly, with the result of a healthy child's mother survived. And this diet also helps prevent gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and high blood pressure. 
Exercise of since kehamian, so that we remain optimal conditions, regular exercise can also prevent sebelit (constipation), increased respiration, circulation, muscle work, the elasticity of the skin and all the support in a comfortable pregnancy. 
Striving to grow enough weight, gradual and steady may help prevent various diseases including deabetes complications, varicose veins, hypertension and homoroid.No smoking to reduce the risk to the baby or the mother, avoid the presence of prematurity in infants and babies born with low weight. 
Do not drink alcohol or that because it could create a risk of birth defects in infants.Avoiding drugs. So far, not many people know the effects of the drug to expectant mothers who are pregnant, then than it is to avoid drugs and drug use when it should be by prescription. 
Perform the treatment as early as possible, all infections ranging from flu to urinary tract infections must be prevented as soon as possible and treated by a doctor who knows you are pregnant, for the salvation of infants. 
Be aware of the syndrome, no ambition to work hard too much resulting in fatigue, can affect the baby, beristirahlah and not have to work hard during pregnancy for the smooth process of delivery and infant safety. Some research shows premature birth rate in women due to hard work during pregnancy.


Symptoms of pregnancy can be felt but not for reliable, sometimes we feel the signs of pregnancy but not pregnant, and sometimes we do not feel any signs of pregnancy but we're pregnant.
Actually getting pregnant is proof positive that the baby's heartbeat can be heard in week nine or more, of course, with the help of a tool called Ultra Sound Doppler or can be by using a stethoscope. In the ninth week until the tenth week.

Experience amenorrhea, occurs in all pregnancies
Nausea in the morning or all day
Frequent urination, occurs in 5-12 weeks after conception
The line from the navel to be more black occurred in the fourth or sixth
Breast pain, and swelling of the breast, place a few days after fertilization.
Like craving, occurs usually in the first trimester.
Nipple area will become darker and the glands in the nipple area becomes prominent, usually will occur in the first trimester.

Will be increasingly enlarged abdomen at 9-12 weeks.
There are signs the contraction experienced pain / illness, occurs in early pregnancy and the frequency increases.

To feel fetal movements at 15-20 weeks of gestation.
If you will do a test in the privacy of your home, can use a pregnancy test. This is almost the same as the urine tests performed in laboratories that diagnose pregnancy by detecting the hormone HCG (Human chrorionic Gonadotropin) in urine. This will tell whether or not pregnant after 9 days late menstruation. But this tool is not very accurate. And make you feel worried and retesting.
But it would be more accurate by performing blood tests, because it can detect pregnancy with 100% accuracy and certainty of test results. And no need to retest.

Selasa, 15 November 2011


Tricks to improve cell phone died in a fall For this case, we can not directly do the testing using a power supply.  
All maintain the short circuit, first we do the demolition on the phone. Note the position of components on the phone,  
make sure all is in place. Warm up by using a blower. after everything I wrote above is completed, we can do testing to POWER SUPPLY FOR examine whether the damage is located in the software or hardware.  
Do not forget to always use a power supply with a scale of 1 ampere amperes or 1000 milli amperes. Connect the power supply cable to the phone with the following details
Red on the positive pole batterry
Yellow on the pole BSI (system battery battery)
Black on the negative pole
Always on the 0V position before turning on the power supply so as not to give excessive voltage on the cell phones that can result in damage. Then turn on the power supply voltage and position at 3.7 V (corresponding to the battery) with a tolerance of 0.5, do not add to the value of tolerance because it can cause damage to the phone . When you're on the phone is off and press it to turn, consider the amperage scale needles that are on the power supply. If the scale up of approximately 50 amperes milli amperes then the damage occurs to the software, immediately do the flash / program again. Use the program and proceed to the nokia flasher tool.
After all completed then turn on the mobile phone will inevitably flame.


- commuting
- Data Cables / flaser
- CD Program / ​​BACK UP
- Modules
- Toolkit


- Minimum Pentium II RAM 64
- Windows 98 SE
- Hard disk 10 GB

- Program / ​​Data Back Up
- In accordance Brand New Hp

- Modules Software and Hardware
- According to the latest brand HANDPHONE


- Screwdriver, pliers, soldering, etc.


To become a reliable service handphene, not just science that must be prepared. Equipment but also the main factor for the service and repair mobile phones.
Here I will lead you to become a reliable mobile phone technician or professional.
First I will discuss what equipment should be prepared. Equipment to improve the mobile phone there are two kinds, namely:
- Tools for software
A. Computer
Minimal computer with a Pentium II (have LPT, COM, and USB) Minimum hard disk capacity of 10GB. Keep the computer only contains service for mobile phones and not filled with anything else that could result in decreased speed when flashing phone
B. UPS (uninterruptable power supply)
You really need this tool, because to maintain the safety of your mobile phone during a blackout or when electrical instability
Many service programs, from the low prices and high prices for example. - Equipment Hardware • Multitester • Power supply • The book charts • Counter frequency
Tools for improvement: • Adaptor • Solder • Blower • Adaptor • A set of screwdrivers phones
Repair tool • Card raider • Bluetooth • Glass service • Table service • Fluid Science • Siongka • Tweezers • BGA tray • CUTTER • Cable flasher • Data cable • Solder wig • Tin pasta • Isolation of paper
Previously, I would ask you. if anyone interested to learn more about this article? If you still want to know more .. store the address of this blog and follow angelia007blogspot.com next update this article every day. I will discuss this theme through to completion. And I'm sure after this you will be the greatest phone technician in your area. See you tomorrow for the continuation of this article.